For six years already Nargis holds captivating events in Azerbaijan and beyond its borders. Our creative team constantly develops, masters new genres and tries itself in fields, where others would've given up a long time ago.

Meet our brand new project – Travel blog Love Nargis!

Every month for the whole year we will share the best moments of the most gargantuan, grandiose and popular festivals of the world with you. Nothing will stay uncovered – you will rise with us to the highest peaks, go to the hot desert and will find yourself in the thick of things. You will get to learn something new, will laugh with all the heart and test yourself together with our fearless and tireless travelers.

The most awesome events of this planet are just a click away from you. Rewind long flights, plan your routes and if you always dreamed of being on the other side of the globe, but did not know if it's worth it, – we will tell you, what to be ready for.

From a luxury experience – to the most affordable pleasures, we will check whether they really speak the truth on the web.

Our first traveler Sonya Mamedova has made a 20-hour flight to see the largest musical festival of the North American continent with her own eyes, and it is Coachella!

We thank our sponsors, whose support made this issue possible! Thanks to Azercell we can instantly share the most exciting moments even from the most remote places of the Earth, and thanks to supporting from Pasha Bank we bypass long lines at the currency exchange desks – and no need to worry about the cash loss. 

Watch and travel with Nargis!
