
Курс на Олимп

To the Olympus

His mother proudly talks about her son's new victory: on March 5 (Day of Physical Culture and Sports in Azerbaijan) at the open swimming championship dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sumgayit, he competed with ordinary, healthy children and returned again with a victory!
«Холодные руки, горячее сердце» 2018/19: итоги

«Cold Hands, Warm Heart» 2018/19: summary

From December 1, 2018 till January 6, 2019 on the Fountain Square took place the sixth annual charity fair "Cold Hands, Warm Heart". By tradition the raised funds were allocated for treatment and surgery of children suffering from various diseases
По следам Питера Пэна, или Fly yoga для детей

In the wake of Peter Pan or Fly yoga for children

She has practiced yoga since her childhood and her mum has been her first teacher. Today, she is a certified coach, who knows about yoga from A to Z and even more. Nazrin Kuliyeva narrated about yoga for children: why one should send his child and what will come out of that.
Футбол: здоровье + мировой успех

Football: health + global success

Chief Coach of the Azerbaijan junior united team on football U-15 Тabriz Hasanov is in the top nine of Azerbaijan coaches with the highest rank. In his interview, he narrated about reasons of popularity and prospects, opened for a juvenile
Грациозная красота

Gracious beauty

A professional coach of “Neftchi” Sport Health Center, a sport star Elnara Huseynova revealed us a secret of rhythmic gymnastics’ popularity and difficulties, faced by a child and his/her parents.
Мурад Дадашов и Зия

Мурад Дадашов и Зия

Дети говорят… А мы умиляемся и пересказываем всем знакомым самые удачные перлы наших сорванцов и принцесс. Сегодня гостем нашего проекта стал известный шоумен Мурад Дадашов со своим младшим сыном Зией. Место съемки: магазин Liberi, ...
Аида Махмудова и Сорая

Аида Махмудова и Сорая

Мы живем во взрослом мире переживаний и конфликтов. У детей – все иначе. Их планета – зеленая, веселая, добрая. Дети не решают жилищных вопросов – они строят замки в своей песочнице. Они просто улыбаются жизни, и в этом их главное преимущество ...