Today she would have turned 79 years old. Read the interesting facts about Aida Imanguliyeva.
Her father, Nasir Imanguliyev, was a famous journalist, educator and Honored scientist.
Mrs.Aida was a first woman, heading the Institute of Oriental sciences of the Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan.
She is the author of 3 monographs and 70 scientific articles.
Aida Imanguliyeva passed her Ph.D defense at age of 28 in Moscow.
In the late 70s she translated a number of novels of the Lebanese writer, Michail Naimy from the Arabic language into the Russian language.
She presented lectures on problematics of Orient in many countries of the world.
Hitherto a scholarship, bearing Aida Imanguliyeva’s name, is being assigned to one of the exemplary students of the Oriental studies faculty.