In 2017, archive of Ali bey Huseynzadeh- Azerbaijanian thinker, doctor, writer-publicist and painter-was presented to the Independence Museum of Azerbaijan by his daughter, Feyzaver Alpsar.
Exhibition called "Michael Jackson: On the wall" has been launched in the National portrait gallery of of London: On The Wall coincided with pop king 60th anniversary
Painting on the walls is one of the most accessible creative ways to bring art from galleries to the streets and thereby make the world brighter and kinder. Especially for Nargis, street artist Fizuli Aliyev revived the bright images of the classics of cinema, decorating the walls of our city with them.
Вчера, 25 октября в Центре Гейдара Алиева состоялось открытие выставки " Одиссея Шелкового пути Hennessy Х.О. ", на которой было представлено произведение Рашада Алекберова, созданное в рамках проекта The Silk Road Odyssey by Hennessy X.O.
The current artist is rather a pragmatic businessman, whose talent is eloquently indicated not so much by his appearance as by the successful sale of his own creations. Well, what about the domestic art market in Azerbaijan? Who of us is successfully selling and willingly buying art objects? With these questions we decided to turn to specialists.
В течение трех лет британский фотограф Джимми Нельсон (Jimmy Nelson) путешествовал по миру, знакомился с представителями малых народов и делал фотозарисовки
Марина Абрамович и Улай
Сегодня мы расскажем вам историю жизни одной из самых известных и неординарных художниц современности — Марины Абрамович и ее любви к своему коллеге Улаю. Получив всеобщее признание как выдающийся мастер перформанса ...