


«C Баку у меня связаны давние воспоминания. Мои родители познакомились на пассажирском судне, совершающем рейсы из Баку в Иран. Жил я в Баку вплоть до того момента, пока меня все-таки не приняли в училище».
Полпред русского стиля

The Ambassador of Russian Style

In the West the icon of Russian style, Ulyana Sergeyenko, is called a representative of the new Russian aristocracy, in whose works you can see the important link with so-called russian pack, some "powerful bitches" who are known to the world of the fashion. Ulyana tell us how she builds her working day that it serves as a source of inspiration and why her collections are so popular in the West
Wow woman! 

Wow woman! 

Our interlocutor is Zarangiz Huseynova, a young business woman who has not only achieved success in her homeland, but also included in the Forbes magazine's list of “30 Leaders Under 30” and in the top 100 scholarship holders of the Facebook social network leadership development program
ПАРЕНЬ ИЗ БАКУ. Эльчин Азизов

ПАРЕНЬ ИЗ БАКУ. Эльчин Азизов

О перипетиях его жизни можно написать книгу. Возможно, сам Эльчин, человек разносторонних интересов и талантов, однажды так и сделает. Солист Большого театр а России, а в прошлом – член команды КВН «Парни из Баку» Эльчин Азизов делится сокровенным с NARGIS
Обыкновенное чудо

A Simple miracle

Today Alla Verber is the vice-president of Mercury, fashion director and buyer of the Moscow Central Department Store. She was embarrassed by a terrible illness that suddenly caught on, but she knew that she was needed for her daughter and managed to gather her courage
Музыка сквозь поколения

Music through generations

For over than 30 years Javier Nandayapa plays on marimba – the national Mexican instrument, the relative of xylophone. He participated in various international festivals worldwide – from Denmark to UAE and from France to Japan
No Mediocre

No Mediocre

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