
Лестница в небо или куда приводят мечты

Stairway to heaven or where your dreams take

He was born in the western part of azerbaijan, at the place of goycha mahali, and the parents were expecting him to be a musician. Although he has always tried to be serious, he was able to make people laugh better than anything. Today azerbaijani charlie – artist uzeir novruzov – lives in Las Vegas, climbs on the ladder to the sky and decorates “Guinness World Records book”, “Cirque du soleil” and “America's got talent”


What does it mean to be an oriental woman in the modern world? What makes men and women so different? How can art help people? What is it, East, through the eyes of one that once and for all shifted clock on New York time? We asked her to tell - and she spoke
В ожидании перемен

Waiting for a change

Last year, our neighbor and a longstanding ally, Georgia, handed over the reins to Salome Zourabichvili, electing her as its president. Madam President told Nargis about her path in politics, about her plans and hopes
Мужчина и женщина: полвека спустя

A Man and A Woman: After half a century

She acted as Jacques Demy’s Lola, as Federico Fellini’s corrupted aristocrat, but the audience most remembered her as Anna Gauthier from Claude Lelouch's movie “A Man and A Woman”. And now Anouk Aimee – icon of French cinema − at the age of 87, she returns to the screen with the film “Best years of life” in 2019


Восемь лучших бегунов планеты преодолевают дистанцию за считанные секунды... 50, 100, 150, заветные двести метров остались позади, и вот он – самый быстрый! Спринтер с незамысловатой фамилией Гулиев. Кто бы мог подумать, а? Так из чего же сделаны победители?