So many words were said about impressionism in painting: about vibrations in Monet’s and Renoir’s canvases, dance elements of Degas ballerinas and about Manet’s “Luncheon on the Grass”. However, the impressionism was one of the largest movements not only in painting, but also in literature, music and sculpture.
“I choose a block of marble and chop-off whatever I don't need”, - this is how Auguste Rodin, founder of sculpture impressionism, spoke about his works. Once you are in his museum in Paris, you are going to wonder what he meant. And you will catch yourself admiring not only sculptures, but also the majestic house in which the museum is located. Sculptor used Villa des Brillants as a house and a workshop. Later he granted it to the French government, along with the sculptures and the collection of works by other impressionists. It was given on condition that the museum, dedicated to his art will function here.
First thing to meet you in the yard of the museum will be "Thinker" – that same chess player from whom the board was taken away. Rodin worked on it for two years and wanted to name it "The Poet" as he represented Dante, the author of the “Divine comedy". However representing the work at the opening in the Pantheon, the sculptor said that "Thinker" is a monument to the French workers. Rodin treated hard work with respect: "The only virtues of the artist are wisdom, attentiveness, sincerity, will. Perform your job as honest worker.”
You will find sculpture "The Kiss" indoors. If you get lucky to get in there in the first half of day, you will be able to enjoy it without influx of tourists, and surpass it up and down, observing all details of this marble art. Every year 700 thousand visitors come to Rodin's mansion to see not only a set of statues and figures, but also the amazingly beautiful house. On the top floor of it a small collection of paintings of Manet, Renoir and Van Gogh is stored.
By the way, those who will manage to pay a visit to Rodin until the end of winter will be able to also see a unique exhibition of his sketches. The exposition "Cutting" includes about two hundred fifty drawings – Rodin's draft copies, sketches of his sculptures. Silhouettes game in these drawings was already called an innovative way of self-expression of the 20th century for a reason. These drawings gathered from different private collections present the famous sculptor from a whole different side!
You can catch the exhibition until 24 February 2019, at the address 77 Rue de Varenne, 75007 in Paris.