Interview by editor-in-chief

ПАРЕНЬ ИЗ БАКУ. Эльчин Азизов

ПАРЕНЬ ИЗ БАКУ. Эльчин Азизов

О перипетиях его жизни можно написать книгу. Возможно, сам Эльчин, человек разносторонних интересов и талантов, однажды так и сделает. Солист Большого театр а России, а в прошлом – член команды КВН «Парни из Баку» Эльчин Азизов делится сокровенным с NARGIS
Обыкновенное чудо

A Simple miracle

Today Alla Verber is the vice-president of Mercury, fashion director and buyer of the Moscow Central Department Store. She was embarrassed by a terrible illness that suddenly caught on, but she knew that she was needed for her daughter and managed to gather her courage
20 лет спустя...

20 years later...

Man and woman - the eternal tie. She is the actress of Turkish cinema Meral Konrat, time has no power over her. He is the beloved actor Fakhraddin Manafov, National Artist of Azerbaijan. But even 20 years later, meeting on this side of the screen...
Формула чемпиона

Champion’s formula

Seating their three-year-old boy behind the wheel of self-made cart, his parents like nobody else, did not suspect that in twenty years their child will become the youngest two-time world champion
No Mediocre

No Mediocre

Люди продолжают ходить в театр. и мне кажется, что эра цифровых технологий в какой-то степени даже способствует этому


A native of Tabriz, Iranian Azeri Reza Deghati became one of the most effective peacekeepers: his scream from the heart was picked up by National Geographic and Time, his pictures are issued by thematic albums, honored with prestigious awards, exhibited in museums and galleries ... But fame does not console you when every day dozens of eyes look full of unquenchable pain
Тюркан Великолепная

Turkan The Gorgeous

"A soldier from the Turkish city of Seke wrote me letters for many years, even began to send letters with a scent – I knew by aroma that this letter was from him. So he wrote for many years, but... suddenly the letters stopped coming"