In 1780 khan’s little daughter was born in mountainous Shusha. She was of noble birth from both parents. The girl’s name was Agha Beyim Agha and at age of 18, namely, she started like water, wearing stumbling blocks between two countries.
She was born in 1898, and parents began to raise it in the spirit of enlightenment. Maryam could speak Russian, Farsi and Arabic, could read the Koran. At the age of 8 she went to the Baku Muslim School for Girls, the one founded by Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. Having received "excellent" in all exams, she entered the school of "Saint Nina." Having earned a gold medal here, she also kept her way to the Moscow Medical Institute. By the way, Murtuza Mukhtarov took the charge, who repeatedly committed such actions. Unfortunately, the October Revolution broke all the plans of the girl, and she had to go back. But still she was able to achieve her dream. Not surprisingly, in 1931 she graduated from the BSU law faculty with a red diploma and even went to graduate school.
May 30, 1920 in Baku, the Women's Club named after Ali Bayramov-who had declared it as the main women`s center- was opened. It set a role model for the following organizations of that kind. After two years the club moved to the Palace of Happiness, which was then on Persian Street. After two more years, Clara Zetkin visited Baku and, in particular, the club. But let's start over in order.
In the period of a disorderly change of power, when parties, individuals and leaders were replaced, Azerbaijan lost many reputable representatives. Those who could, in order to avoid tragic events, urgently emigrated from the country.
"Flying in the sky - is this a woman's business?" Our heroine`s mother asked anxiously in the heart, who could expect everything from her restless daughter, but not that. Women in Azerbaijan, except Leila Mamedbekova- who wouldn’t be allowed to the front, did not used to fly, let alone ... female participation in aviation was newly appearing in the entire Soviet Union.
The word "philanthropist" provokes the image of a generous and wise man who is ready to solve the problems of his people. Often, by the way, not only his own. Not about this speech. Our heroine broke all stereotypes to smithereens.
Nigar was born to the family of very educated religious figure Mirza Hussein Afandi Gaibov. Mirza Afandi has spent all his life advocating women`s rights to education. "In Sharia, there is no such prohibition," he used to reply and gave the best education possible back then, to his 2 daughters.
Она была женой Наджаф-бека, из-под пера которого вышла первая азербайджанская трагедия. Именно ее заслуга в том, что до нас дошли его строки. “Даже самые незначительные его работы я берегла как зеницу ока”, - скажет она незадолго до своей смерти.
“Всеми любимая” - значение её имени, предопределившее судьбу. Она родилась 25 ноября 1901 года и своим появлением на свет заявила о праве женщины на сцену, аплодисменты и зрительское обожание.