
По следам Питера Пэна, или Fly yoga для детей

In the wake of Peter Pan or Fly yoga for children

She has practiced yoga since her childhood and her mum has been her first teacher. Today, she is a certified coach, who knows about yoga from A to Z and even more. Nazrin Kuliyeva narrated about yoga for children: why one should send his child and what will come out of that.
Green House Kitchen: вкусно как у бабушки

Green House Kitchen: вкусно как у бабушки

Даже если в обозримом будущем придется пробежать десяток километров на беговой дорожке, разве можно устоять перед домашней едой, приправленной щепоткой любви?
Футбол: здоровье + мировой успех

Football: health + global success

Chief Coach of the Azerbaijan junior united team on football U-15 Тabriz Hasanov is in the top nine of Azerbaijan coaches with the highest rank. In his interview, he narrated about reasons of popularity and prospects, opened for a juvenile