She has practiced yoga since her childhood and her mum has been her first teacher. Today, she is a certified coach, who knows about yoga from A to Z and even more. Nazrin Kuliyeva narrated about yoga for children: why one should send his child and what will come out of that.
Даже если в обозримом будущем придется пробежать десяток километров на беговой дорожке, разве можно устоять перед домашней едой, приправленной щепоткой любви?
Autism isn’t a verdict and it isn’t a label. Modern interpretations of autism have become outdated in the best case scenario and mislead in the worst case scenario.
Chief Coach of the Azerbaijan junior united team on football U-15 Тabriz Hasanov is in the top nine of Azerbaijan coaches with the highest rank. In his interview, he narrated about reasons of popularity and prospects, opened for a juvenile