Rebellion is caring for the neighbor's pain
Elchin Safarli
Has it ever occurred to you that you're not like the others? Do you often feel frustrated that people don't understand you, that everyone around you is thinking differently? If so, one explanation for this is that you are probably a rebel by nature. There is nothing wrong with it, just you have your vision and your perception of the world! Rebel, insurgent is a whole social phenomenon. But above all, it's someone who makes his own rules of life. This usually causes rejection in those who are used to living according to a given standard. So, if you are one of us – and I think I can also find myself among you – read further!
− The first sign of a "madman" is a keen disgust at any regulations and instructions. You feel spiritual discomfort even thinking that your creative beginnings, your individuality and identity may be subject to some limitations, and create your own world with your rules.
− If you constantly have a desire to act against what you are told, it is highly likely that you have a rebel mind.
− You can be an absolutely responsible person, but from time to time ignore deadlines or postpone some tasks, because you are highly confident in your ability to carry out these tasks? Then you should definitely join us! We are used to playing by our rules – and winning!
− We do not like to beat around the bush and always choose a direct path, regardless of the consequences. And we are sure that at the right moment we will pull our "white rabbit" out of the invisible magic hat!
− We are spontaneous by nature. If you know how to create emergency situations and then to come out of them with honor – you are exactly one of us!
− Rebels rarely seek to look better, kinder, more successful than they are, but they don't feel like losers in any company. We are always good in our own, cozy skin for us!
− We are happy to accept ourselves as we are, and by this we bring harmony to life thanks to an extraordinary and bright attitude to this predictable world, in which cruelty most often rules.
− Frequently at subconscious level there is a desire in us to go beyond the established norms. It is quite natural and usual for us to think outside the box, to do what an ordinary person would hardly dare to do!
And we, rebel people, know how to love, and very passionately! Because our love also recognizes no boundaries! And the main thing – we are not afraid to be rejected. If you have felt in yourself one of the listed signs – you are definitely much stronger internally than you think yourself. By the way, being a madman, a rebel is a great way to lead bright and interesting life, because we are able to enjoy moments of life that others usually miss because of their clichéd consciousness or fear that they will be judged by others.
P.S. Just don't forget to turn on conscience and common sense in time so that you don't step on your fingers!
Ulviyya Makhmudova,